Last week the GMU Field Hockey Club was hard at work fundraising for The National Foundation for Cancer Research. On Thursday evening, if you ate at Panda Express on campus, a portion of the cost of your meal was donated to the cause. By the end of the night, the players raised over $300! The team collected an additional $175 to be directly deposited into the foundation.
The ladies and gentlemen of Club Field Hockey Club worked hard to spread the word that they would be playing for the cure last weekend, (even giving George himself a makeover). They were pleasantly surprised to see so many fans at their games on Saturday morning. The club hosted Georgetown University and the University of Pittsburgh, but were unable to secure a win.
This weekend the club travels to Maryland to play Loyola University and Salisbury University. The team has away games for the remainder of October, and will finish their season with a tournament at The University of Maryland.
Club field hockey thanks you for all of your support! Be sure to like them on Facebook at GMU Club Field Hockey so you can cheer them on as they wrap up their season on the road!