Exercise is Medicine Mentor Program

Are you looking to increase your physical activity, but aren’t sure where to start?

Our FREE Exercise is Medicine mentors are Kinesiology students who are passionate about wellness and exercise and can guide you in your health and fitness journey. The mentor will help:
– Explain your physical activity and exercise options on campus
– Help you find ways to fit exercise into your schedule and hold you accountable
– Give you the confidence to eventually attend the gym on your own
– Help implement behavior changes that promote physical activity
– Show you the basics of utilizing equipment

CLICK HERE to fill out an interest form to be paired with an EIM mentor!

*Please note that our EIM program only takes place during the Fall and Spring semesters. If you register at the end of the semester, and do not hear back, please reach out to fitness@gmu.edu and we will let you know if our mentors are still available.*

Our “Exercise is Medicine” mentors are not personal trainers. For more information on personal training at Mason, go to https://recreation.gmu.edu/fitness/personal-training/

Questions? Contact fitness@gmu.edu for more information.