Mason Recreation

From Belly Dancing to Boot Camp: Mason Rec Group Fitness Helps You Keep Your Resolutions


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We’ve all made the resolutions—you know the ones: lose weight, eat better, get more sleep, and exercise more. By the second half of January, how many of us have kept them? While many New Year’s resolutions succeed in the short-term, most people report they do not last the whole year. One way to crush your resolution is to attend group fitness classes. Exercising in a group is fun, plus it holds you accountable and provides support and motivation to keep going. Mason Rec Fitness offers a variety of group fitness classes, with everything from Belly Dancing to Boot Camp.

So you’ve never tried Belly Dancing? There’s no reason to be afraid of it. No experience is necessary, and many skeptics have come back for more. If Latin dance is your thing, Zumba is one of the hottest trends in group fitness. There is no pressure to samba like a professional—just come out and have fun. If the idea of dancing in public makes you cringe, our Boot Camp classes have everything from cardio to strength, body-weight exercises to races, you name it. Buts & Guts and Buts “Abs”olutely leave everyone’s favorite areas screaming, while Total Body Conditioning and Totally Sculpt hit the entire body. There’s also Cardio Sculpt for a mix, Kickboxing, Barre and more. Classes are in the group fitness room of the AFC, and starting this semester, there will be classes at the RAC.

If cycling interests you, our indoor cycle classes are a great way to stick to that resolution. Grab a friend or two and come to one of our classes. The instructor will help you get your bike set up correctly and coach you along whether it’s your first ride or you’re getting ready for a month-long ride through Tuscany. One great thing about cycling is you control everything on your bike. If you need to ease off or if you want up your intensity, you can with no problem. Variety is the word when it comes to cycle class music. You might hear rock, pop, dance, R&B, Latin, rap, instrumental, hip-hop, or reggae—sometimes all in the same class. Bring a water bottle and towel, and be ready to ride like the wind. Classes are downstairs in the AFC.

At the RAC, we offer a variety of yoga and Pilates classes for all levels. Stretching and strengthening are an important part of a balanced fitness program. The more balanced your program, the more likely you are to see the results that make you stick to it. Pilates classes stabilize and strengthen the core muscles. Pilates focuses on six principles: concentration, control, center, flow, precision, and breathing. Yoga classes teach proper alignment and breath control while moving through poses. The RAC also is home to several martial arts classes, including Capoeria, Krav Maga, Aikido, and Introduction to Martial Arts.

Group Fitness and Cycle classes are free to full-time Mason students and Mason Rec members. Yoga, Pilates, and Martial Arts classes are fee-based. All schedules are available on the Mason Rec Fitness website,


By: Alison Hall