Facility & Equipment Rentals

Not Affiliated with Mason? Please reach out to the appropriate contact for the space below!

Rental Request Forms 

Mason Student, Faculty/ Staff members looking to book a space in one of our recreation spaces can use our forms below to start this process!

** If you are not affiliated with Mason, please reach out to one of our facility contacts listed above to reserve a space.

Rental Policies & Procedures

  • Requests for Fall semester will not be accepted or reviewed before August 20th; Requests for Spring semester will not be accepted or reviewed before December 20th
  • Requests should be submitted no later than 21 days (3 weeks) before the requested event date.
  • RSO’s must be registered and in good standing with the Office of Student Involvement.
  • RSO’s will not be approved for more than 6 total hours per week within the Recreational indoor facilities; maximum of 4 hours per week in one facility. Exceptions will be made for large events such as basketball tournaments.
  • RSO’s will not be approved for more than 6 total hours per week within the Recreational outdoor venues; maximum of 4 hours per week in one facility. Exceptions will be made for large events such as annual turkey bowl events.
  • RSO’s must provide their organizational account code.
  • RSO’s wishing to request equipment will be responsible for any fees associated with checking out of the equipment and any replacement fees, if equipment is returned damaged. Follow link to see what equipment is offered. Equipment Rentals
  • RSO’s will be responsible for any fees associated with the requested event that may include (but not limited to) staffing, damaged equipment, and/or excessive trash.
  • Approval of requested event is at the discretion of the area Facilities Pro-Staff Member.  Requests should be student focused.  RSO requests that include non-GMU affiliated guests and are deemed large events, will require appropriate insurance. Area Facilities pro-Staff member will provide information on Tulip insurance.  Smaller events that include non-GMU affiliated guests will require a guest fee of $10 per external user to be paid at the front desk.
    • Large events are defined as events expecting more than 75 participants.[/expand]