Mason Recreation

The Gentlemen of Zumba!

Zumba 8What started out as a joke between friends has turned into a hobby and passion for two Mason students. Julius Boateng and Jordan Boyd found themselves in a Zumba class after taking a bet amongst their friends. Mason Recreation had the chance to catch up with Julius and Jordan to talk about their experiences in Mason’s Zumba classes.

Both Julius and Jordan work out differently outside of Zumba classes: Julius plays basketball and claims that the Zumba classes are just as intense as a basketball-training workout. Jordan enjoys lifting weights, usually before or after his Zumba class. Jordan also suffered a knee injury this summer, and believes that Zumba has helped him to build back strength in his recovery.

Despite their differences, both students agree, Zumba is an equal substitute for other high intensity workouts. Julius explains, however, that there is one difference, “Zumba doesn’t feel like a workout, it’s just pure enjoyment.” Jordan uses Zumba to add cardio into his workout regiment; he says that running on a treadmill is way too boring compared to these classes.

Julius and Jordan admit that in most of their Zumba classes, they are the minority. They say their classes are mostly women, but this doesn’t intimidate them. If anything, they say it makes it more fun. Julius explains, “I was comfortable, dancing is an exciting activity. It makes it easy to relax and just be yourself.”

Julius explains that there are no perquisites to Zumba, you can always go at your own pace. Jordan encourages everyone, “Jump right into ZUMBA!”

For the remainder of the Fall 2014 semester, Zumba is offered as follows:

Aquatic and Fitness Center Group Exercise Room


Monday 6:30-7:25pm

Tuesday 12:15-1:15pm

Wednesday 5:30-6:25pm

Thursday 6:30-7:25pm

Friday 5:30-6:25

 Zumba Toning

Tuesday 6:30-7:25pm

Thursday 2:00-3:00pm

**Zumba Toning is a combination of cardio dance moves and dynamic resistance exercises using 2-3lb weights to give you an overall awesome, redefining, total body workout.**

RAC Multipurpose Room #4 (Yoga/Pilates Room)

ZumbaZumba 6

Wednesday and Thursday 5:15-6:15pm