Do you like adventure? Do you like learning new skills? Do you want to learn how to be comfortable and have fun in cold snowy weather? Do you like taking absurd quantities of epic Instagram photos? The Adirondack Winter Skills Seminar is for you! This week-long program over Spring Break will include, winter camping, snow shoeing, cross country skiing, winter peak bagging and a beginner ice climbing course!
We will spend two nights in a backcountry cabin, one night in a backcountry campsite, and two nights tenting it in the front country. We will snowshoe, XC ski, summit peaks, ice climb, laugh, play games, and cook and eat good food. The trip is $450 for students/faculty/staff this includes all instruction, equipment, lodging, and food for the 5 days in the Adirondacks. Food on the two travel days is not included. For the complete itinerary CLICK HERE.