Outdoor Adventures

AT Hike

On the Saturday of Presidents’ Weekend a group of Mason students went for a hike on the Appalachian Trail in Shenandoah National Park. The plan was to do a roughly ten mile hike between Hawksbill, the park’s highest point, and Stony Man Mountain. The trip had to be cut short due to an incoming snowstorm. Upon arriving at the park the group was informed that the road would be closing at noon, cutting their hike short by several hours. The group made the most of their shortened time by hiking to the summit of Hawksbill before exiting the park and making a side trip to Shenandoah River Park.

Snow juuuuuuuust starting to stick 

Summit of Hawksbill, the highest point in the park 

The group as the snow starts to fly 

Another summit shot 

Most of the group on the summit 

Reflecting on the view 

Always fun