Kathryn Blood
Office: RAC 1107
Cell: (703) 993 – 5159
Email: kblood@gmu.edu
Kathryn Blood is originally from Bridgewater, New Jersey. She earned her B.A. in Anthropology with a double minor in Forensic Science and Forensic Psychology from George Mason University in 2023. Throughout her undergraduate studies, she dedicated three years serving as a Customer Service Assistant and Manager on Duty at the Mason Recreation department, alongside two years as a Program Assistant. She’s excited to have the opportunity to continue her professional development with Mason Recreation and looks forward to staying in Virginia. In her spare time, Kathryn enjoys reading, working out, hiking, spending time with friends, and family.
Kathryn’s Advice for Mason Students: “If the opportunity arises, consider embarking on a journey, whether within the country or abroad, during your college years. Exploring different cultures and perspectives can offer you a fantastic and enriching experience!”