Following in his father’s footsteps, Brian began refereeing basketball games at the age of 14. He had a real knack for it, so he continued to referee for rec leagues and local high school games through high school and into college. During his junior year at Mason, he was offered a position as a referee for Mason Rec. He accepted and eventually became Intramural Program Assistant.
As an Intramural Program Assistant, Brian had the opportunity to get involved with NIRSA and applied to be an official for a University of Georgia basketball tournament. His application was accepted making him the first basketball official from Mason to step outside the tristate area for many years.
During the summer of 2014 Brian was rated a full varsity official by Cardinal Officials Basketball Association and attended the learning camp (Stripes Academy) for the National Basketball Association. That fall, he was one of only two officials selected from Mason for a University of Maryland NCS Regional tournament as well as for a tournament at the University of Central Florida in 2015.
In addition to his officiating accomplishments, Brian is currently the Intramural Sports Intern. His responsibilities include organizing a VRSA basketball tournament, organizing the Mason Open Golf Tournament, and taking the lead in training for Mason Rec officials.
After graduation, Brian says he wants to take some time off to improve his resume’ and to figure out what he really wants to do. He plans on taking classes and continuing to work. He thinks he’ll eventually apply for graduate assistantships in sports marketing or competitive sports. He explains, “My degree is really a business degree that’s industry specific. I want to eventually get my MBA in marketing and then maybe attend law school. I think I’d like to stay in higher education or corporate.”
Brian says, “I have mentors who I look up to. Jeremy Hans, our Intramural Coordinator, has been like a brother to me. I got the opportunity to speak at VRSA with Jeremy and it was a great experience. I’ve learned a lot from him.” He adds, “I think it’s about building relationships and connecting so that you can get a leg up. Through Mason Rec and getting the chance to work in NIRSA and with VRSA, I’ve been able to make those connections.”
Brian graduates in May with a degree in RHT with concentration in Sports Management.
By Jennifer Lehman, MS RYT