Summer Hours
Here when you need us, even in summer!
Click here to find out when we are open
Updated Fitness Schedule
Finals week can be stressful, give yourself time to relax with our Finals Week Group Fitness Schedule!
When is my next Group Fitness Workout?!
Summer Fitness
Our Gold Access pass is 1/2 price for summer, and classes will run from May 20th – July 31st.
Mason Rec. Summer Camp!
Looking for a summer camp where your kiddos can make friends, have fun and learn, ALL while staying active?
Summer Aquatics
Are you ready to Save A Life?
You never know when you could save a life! Get CPR/AED/First Aid certified and be prepared!
Fitness & Wellness
Spring Power Meet Recap
Our Spring Power Meet awarded 5 Men to the 1,000 pound club and the women’s event produced some ‘Rosie the Riveter-esc’ numbers!
Competitive Sports
Mason Open
The 2019 Mason Open, with almost 100 participants, raised over $4,000 for Mason Rec’s Professional Development Fund.
And we had a lot of fun at the same time!
Club Sports Recap
Our Club Sports had a year to remember! With a number of clubs competing in Nationals, while others had their best seasons to date!
Stay up to date on all Club Sports News!
Club Sports Banquet
Recently our Club Sports celebrated their athletes and all of their accomplishments for the year. Men’s Club Hockey won “Club of the Year” and “Community Service Award”, Field Hockey won “Most Improved Club”, Abiral Pandey won “Officer of the Year”, Georgianne Cushmore and Julianna Gohman both won “Athletes of the Year!”
Intramural Champions
Season 2 of Spring was eventful with coordinators juggling the schedule more than once due to rain, yet we crowned our champions of 11v11 Soccer, Table Tennis and 4v4 Flag Football!
End of the Year Cookout
Our End of the Year All Staff Cookout was a day filled with games, food, laughter, and lasting memories.
Facility Feature: TRX
In the AFC stretching room, you will find our TRX set up – it delivers a fast, total body workout, builds solid core strength, it can be used by people of all fitness levels and can be set up pretty much anywhere!
Employee of the Year
Adrian Acuna, class of 2019, is a Facility Manager. We couldn’t be more proud to have such a dedicated student on staff!
Congratulations Adrian!
Employee of the Semester
Jonathan Thomas, class of 2017, is an amazing Outdoor Adventure trip leader! He is someone who goes above and beyond to make our Outdoor Adventure program the best it can be. Plus, he has some awesome hiking stories too!
Fitness Tip: Zottman Bicep Curl
We’ve all heard the phrase “Sun’s out, guns out,” so get strong with Ola as she teaches you the Zottman Bicep Curl!
Well-Being Corner: Study Prep
The best study prep is to prepare to study. Set your study goals and make a plan to stick to, but remember to take breaks. The brain is like a muscle in the sense you can work it until it needs a break to recover from all that knowledge!
Check out our Finals Week Group Fitness Schedule!
Employees of the Month of April
Dan Labriola – Competitive Sports & Andres Lopez – Fitness
Heyi Gao – RAC & Byron Carter – Marketing
Jack Jackson – Aquatics & Liam Averion – AFC
Matt Palagyi – Outdoor Venues
Capri Cunniff – Outdoor Adventures