Mason Recreation

Collaborate with OA!

Is your office, club, or group interested in planning your own outdoor adventure? Let us know! We can help plan and lead an outdoor adventure for you and your group.  Our trips include all necessary equipment, transportation, and staffing, and overnight trips include food for all participants.

Custom/Closed Trip Pricing

Payment will be calculated at the Base Cost for the Custom Trip. Base Costs for trip types of one Activity Group (1-10 participants) are as follows:

    • Local Day Hike (less than hour drive from campus): $350
    • Non-Local Day Hike (more than hour drive from Fairfax campus): $400
    • Non-Hiking Day Trip: $600
    • Overnight Trip (Camp & Hike OR Backpacking): $1100

Reach out to us at [email protected] with information about your collaboration request!

Please note the request timelines below for the best chances of staffing availability for your collaboration trip:

  • Fall Semester: Requests should be submitted before April 15 of the preceding semester
  • Spring Semester: Requests must be submitted before November 1 of the preceding semester

If you submit after these dates, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate the collaboration request