How much does it cost to participate in Intramural Sports?

The majority of our activities are FREE for current Mason students, faculty and staff that have a membership with Mason Recreation. All Full-time students have a membership. Part-time students will have to purchase a membership.

Who is eligible to participate in Intramural Sports?

Participation is open to all current Mason students, faculty, staff and affiliates with a valid Mason Recreation membership. Part-time, non-student wage employees and university affiliates MUST have a valid Mason Recreation membership to participate in Intramural Sports activities.  There are specific rules regarding the participation of current and former varsity, club, and professional athletes. All participants must provide a valid Mason ID prior to the start of each game.

How do I register a team for Intramural Sports?

Click here for instructions on how to register.

I’ve lost my Mason ID Card, May I still participate?

All Mason students, faculty, and staff are required to have a valid Mason ID card at check-in for each game. If you have lost your ID, you must get a replacement before you will be permitted to play. NO ID…NO PLAY!! To find information about how to get a new ID, you can visit Mason ID Office webpage here.

What employment opportunities are available through Intramural Sports?

We are currently hiring for Intramural Officials! To apply for this position, please apply through the Mason Recreation webpage! After becoming an intramural official, we have opportunities to advance into our Competitive Sports Supervisor and Competitive Sports Program Assistant positions.

Mason Recreation also offers Work Study employment and practicum/internship opportunities.

**To get the most up-to-date job openings, please check Handshake for our postings.

What is the difference between Intramural and Club Sports

Intramural sports involve competition between students, faculty/staff, and organizations on the Mason campus. Club sports offer Mason students the ability to compete against teams from other universities on regional and national levels.

How can I find out about upcoming Intramural activities?

The most up-to-date information is available on the Intramural website. Register for the Recreation listserv and receive email reminders for upcoming intramural activities. Additionally, fliers are posted around campus. Follow us on Instagram @gmuintramurals for the latest in intramural and MasonRec activities.

Is it possible to checkout outdoor equipment?

We will not have items available for daily checkout. If you are participating in a league or tournament hosted by Intramural Sports we will have extra equipment on site for checkout.

How may I contact the Intramural Office?

Our office is open Mondays-Fridays from 9am – 5pm. Please email Intramural Sports if you have any immediate needs or would like to schedule an appointment.

RAC, Room 1110-1111

Phone: 703-993-4681


What if we do not have enough players for our scheduled game

If you know in advance that you cannot make your scheduled game time, please fill out the online Default Notification Form to notify us. If completed by 1:00pm of your scheduled game (or 1:00pm Friday, for your Sunday game), you will avoid paying a Forfeit Buy-Back Fee ($10 for individual sports and $35 for team sports).

How do I find out the status of my game due to weather conditions?

All weather updates will come through IMLeagues via text or email. We suggest making sure your phone number is up to date in IMLeagues and that you accept the text messages so that we can update you on late notifications due to weather. *In the event of changing weather patterns, game status and field conditions will be updated as they change.